Dale Turner


21st Century Renewal Ministries



The Christian view of suffering is a multifaceted and profound aspect of the faith, deeply rooted in the Bible’s teachings and the life of Jesus Christ. This article explores the various dimensions of how Christianity interprets and understands suffering.

Historical and Theological Context

Christianity, since its inception, has grappled with the problem of suffering. Early Christians, including the apostles, faced persecution and hardships, which they often interpreted through a theological lens. The Book of Job in the Old Testament is one of the earliest and most profound explorations of suffering, delving into questions about why good people suffer and what God’s role is in it.

Suffering in the Life of Jesus

Central to the Christian understanding of suffering is the life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus, regarded as the Son of God, experienced suffering and was ultimately crucified. This act is seen not only as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy but also as a profound statement about the nature of suffering – that God understands human suffering because He experienced it personally in Jesus.

Redemptive Suffering

One of the key concepts in Christian theology is the idea of redemptive suffering. This doctrine posits that suffering, while inherently distressing, can have a purpose. It is believed that through suffering, individuals can participate in Christ’s suffering and, thus, in his redemptive work.

Suffering as a Test of Faith

Another perspective within Christianity views suffering as a test or strengthening of faith. This is evident in Job’s story and in many Psalms, where suffering leads to a deeper trust in God. The New Testament also contains references to suffering as a way to produce perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-4).

Compassion and Sharing in Suffering

Christianity also teaches the importance of compassion and empathy for those who suffer. For example, the Good Samaritan parable emphasizes the need to care for those in distress. Many Christian charities and organizations are founded on this principle, seeking to alleviate the suffering of others as a manifestation of Christian love and charity.

The Eschatological View

Finally, Christianity offers an eschatological view of suffering, looking forward to a time when suffering will be no more. The Book of Revelation speaks of a new heaven and earth where ‘God will wipe away every tear’ (Revelation 21:4). This future hope provides comfort and perspective to Christians facing suffering in the present world. The Christian view of suffering is complex and layered. It acknowledges the harsh reality of suffering yet finds a potential for redemption, a test of faith, an opportunity for empathy and service, and a signpost towards a future hope. This view offers a theological framework for understanding suffering and practical guidance for responding to it in personal and communal life.

You can connect with Pastor Dale Turner at one of his websites:  https://daleturner.org or https://wished-for.com or his email at www.dale6@roadrunner.com.

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