Dale Turner


Forgiveness wisdom from the cross

(Volume 1, Article 5)


The cross of Jesus Christ is one of the most profound symbols in Christian theology and has inspired countless believers throughout the centuries. Beyond its religious significance, it holds timeless lessons on the nature of humility.

The Paradox of Power and Vulnerability

At the heart of the Christian narrative is the belief that Jesus, the Son of God, willingly took on human flesh and died on the cross. This is a profound paradox: the Almighty chose vulnerability, suffering, and death. This act defies human expectations of how power should be demonstrated or wielded. Instead of showing His might in grandiose displays, Jesus showed it through sacrifice and servitude. It reminds us that true strength can often be found in what the world perceives as weakness.

The Ultimate Act of Humility

Jesus, though divine, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped. Instead, He emptied Himself, taking on the nature of a servant (Philippians 2:6-7). The cross is the ultimate symbol of this humility. It is a reminder that humility is not about diminishing oneself but prioritizing others, even to the point of personal sacrifice.

Humility in Relationship

Jesus’s journey to the cross was marked by relational humility. He washed His disciples’ feet, a task typically reserved for the lowest servants. By doing so, He redefined greatness as being a servant of all (Mark 9:35). The cross further emphasizes this lesson, as it was for the sake of humanity that Jesus endured it. True humility is about personal posture and how we relate to and prioritize others.

Embracing Humility in Our Lives

In light of the cross, believers are called to adopt a similar mindset of humility. The Apostle Paul encourages Christians to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). This means:

Recognizing the Value in Others: Every individual is made in the image of God and, as such, possesses inherent worth. Humility calls for us to recognize and honor that worth.

Serving Selflessly: As Jesus served His disciples, we are called to serve one another in love, seeking the good of others over our own.

Trusting God’s Plan: In the face of suffering or setbacks, humility trusts in God’s sovereignty and plan, much like Jesus trusted His Father even on the cross.

The cross of Jesus Christ is more than a symbol of redemption; it is also a profound lesson in humility. It challenges our worldly notions of power, urging us to find strength in vulnerability and to prioritize love and service over personal gain. In an age that often elevates self-promotion and individualism, the message of the cross serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of humility.